Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The LANAP Protocol: Periodontal Patients' Best Friend

I have been providing the LANAP (laser assisted new attachment procedure) protocol for the last few years. Without exaggeration or hyperbole, in my 25 years in the practice of dentistry, I have never seen a more effective, patient friendly, powerful technique than the LANAP protocol for the treatment of ANY dental concern, including gum disease. Patient acceptance is unparalleled, results are clinically proven, and a positive patient experience is the rule. LANAP is an FDA approved procedure that features no cutting or amputation of gum tissue, no stitches, and virtually no risk of post operative infection. LANAP is a regenerative procedure that features superior healing compared to conventional techniques. There are at present, approximately 1000 user/clinicians in the US and Canada. The number of periodontal specialist users is growing steadily; it is my decided opinion that the "Gold Standard" for periodontitis treatment is now the LANAP protocol. I am honored to help doctors learn the technique as an Instructor for the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry, the sole provider for all continuing education and instruction for the LANAP protocol.

1 comment:

amit said...

Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you

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